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''Unread e-mail receieved on 4/20/0666 ''from JustJackBros69@vt.366
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I got an email today.

A new email

I don't know which scared me more...

The fact that he emailed me...

The fact that he knew my full name, and that he said that in the new email...

The fact that he said he's coming for me, and that I should be afraid...

The fact that he had thousands of pictures of my dead friends, they were posted in the email...

The fact he is proud of it...

The fact that he knows where I live, as he also stated in the email...

The fact that he got a photo of me...

The fact that he got more than 30 photos of me sleeping...

The fact that he wasn't joking...

The fact that he told me his secrets...

The fact that I agree with that said secret...

The fact that he is sitting in the back of my room right now...

Or the fact that he is  telling me to write this to you

I got an email today.

The email is what I've just typed.

I got an email today.

A new email.                                                                                                                             

To reply, click here. To move to spam, click here. 4/13/2014 to JustjackBros3@y...