VenturianTale Wiki
VenturianTale Wiki
Billy (GBombs)
Gender Male
Played by Cierra Frye
Status Undead
Position/Rank Squidarian child
Nationality ?
Age ?
Group ?
Weapon ?
Debut Gmod Explosive GBOMBS Mod! (Garry's Mod)

Billy was a Squidarian child in a village that the Bomb Salesman visited. After the salesman died, his son returned to seek out revenge, and, in doing so, he planted a bomb inside the house Billy lived in. After Billy played with the bomb, it detonated, killing the child. However, he returned from the dead and chased the Bomb Salesman's son throughout the village and surrounding areas until he perished in a lake of lava.


  • Gmod Explosive GBOMBS Mod! (Garry's Mod) (First appearance)